Another version of Mike McQueary’s story about Jerry Sandusky surfaces


…McQueary heard “sex sounds” and the shower running, and a young boy stuck his head around the corner of the shower stall, peering at McQueary as an adult arm reached around his waist and pulled him back out of view.

That account is different from the hand-written statement obtained by The Patriot-News that McQueary provided for investigators when he was interviewed in 2010…

Paterno said graphic detail, such as rape, was never mentioned to him. But public outcry led to his firing five days after Sandusky was charged…

The grand jury report points out that no effort was made to contact the boy.

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: When all the facts are finally out, it may well be that Joe Paterno will be exonerated and Tom Corbett will be out of office, if not worse off.



  1. Tried to tell everybody that just because the facts don’t support vilifying Paterno didn’t mean Sandusky wasn’t doing awful things with boys. Corbett and his puppets used the hysteria around the leaking of the grand jury presentment to cover up their past inactions and to oust Spanier at PSU.

    Again, why is the main purpose of the grand jury presentment used first and foremost to bring perjury charges against PSU officials? Why not separate grand juries?

    Seems that the priorities were never to stop Sandusky but to use the hysteria around “child rape” to unseat PSU admin. If you don’t believe these perverse motivations then just review Corbett smirking and chuckling on camera about Penn State.

  2. The commenter above is being outrageous by putting “child rape” in quotation marks, saying that the public reaction to the allegations against Sandusky is hysterical, and suggesting that the PSU administrators are the real victims here.

    PSU undertook its own internal review and decided to can Spanier and Paterno. This is about Sandusky and his alleged victims.

    To prematurely suggest that the charges are inflated and that Corbett’s real targets were the PSU administrators (why?) is bizarre and outrageous.

  3. Since there are now at least 4 different versions of what McQueary saw and said he saw, it will be interesting to see the outcome of Thursdays hearing for the PSU adminstrators accused of perjury (again first and foremost in the original case and in the presentment).

    Corbett and the current AG stooge are the ones who linked the outcome of this to the case against Sandusky in a “bizarre and outrageous” fashion. It would be incompetent if not ironic that their case hinges on McQueary’s ever-changing story. An unfavorable outcome for the Commonwealth on these perjury charges would help Sandusky’s defense.

    But then, if as stated before, Corbett perversely capitalized on this case to oust PSU adminstrators, well then, that explains it, doesn’t it? Me thinks the governor’s buffoons trolling internet posts doth protesteth too much.

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