Another night of clashes in Ukraine capital

USA TODAY: Anti-government protesters have held their ground through a night of violent street clashes in the Ukrainian capital, despite police moving in to dismantle barricades erected in a street leading to government offices.

Police attempted to move in on the protest camp early Tuesday, but faced fierce resistance from demonstrators who tossed fire bombs and stones in their direction…

Opposition leader Vitali Klitschko accused the government of paying thugs to delegitimize the protests through violence. He said that the thugs, who were tasked with smashing windows and burning cars, were chased away by protesters… (more)

EDITOR: It is a common practice to use ‘agents provocateurs’ to discredit protestors. Don’t think it doesn’t occur in our own country. Just ask leaders of Occupy Wall Street. The person who first yells “Kill the pigs” is one. The purpose is to discredit the protestors.

lnking Ukraine’s future to the European Union rather than Russia is critical for peace and tranquility in Europe and the Mid East and the future of the world.
