Another black eye for the State of Corruption?

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW:  …A statewide grand jury for two years has been prying into the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, an agency with a track record of sleaze and corruption…

The grand jury could indict as many as six ex-employees of the turnpike who worked there under Democrat Gov. Ed Rendell. Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, the former attorney general, opened the Turnpike Commission investigation. When Corbett became governor in January 2011, the investigation was passed on to his successors, acting Attorney General William H. Ryan Jr. and Attorney General Linda Kelly, after her confirmation in May…

The other item to watch is the current attorney general’s investigation of the Hershey Trust, once headed by LeRoy Zimmerman, a longtime friend and supporter of Corbett’s and father-in-law of the man Kane defeated, Cumberland County DA David Freed. GOP ties run deep in the trust, set up by Milton Hershey to oversee a school he established for underprivileged kids… (more)



  1. To get to the bottom of corruption in PA I would start at the very top with Corbett. His investigations are usually political and nonsensical.

  2. What, like Corbett’s turnpike commission investigation? I didn’t see Philadelphia Eddie start any investigations, and he was in office 8 years. But we now have an Obama like figure in Kathleen Kane. Let’s see if she can walk the walk. and not just talk the talk.

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