Angel Raich, Cancer Patient, Kicked Out Of Hospital For Using Medical Marijuana

HUFFINGTON POST: …Details are scant, but it appears Raich was at UCSF for tests and was using marijuana via a vaporizer at the Parnassus campus when someone — a doctor or a pharmacist — took offense, and told Raich that they’d “call the Feds” unless she stopped using marijuana.

“The pharmacist said, you can’t use cannabis in this hospital,” Raich told the television station. “That’s a death sentence.”

Berkeley-based Dr. Frank Lucido, Raich’s primary care physician, says that Raich needs to use marijuana every two waking hours, and denying her the drug amounts to “malpractice,” according to a statement on Raich’s website. “Angel will suffer imminent harm without access to cannabis.”..   (more)

EDITOR:  Angel (we have known her for almost twenty years) is one of hundreds of thousands who have been kept functioning through the use of marijuana.   We personally have met scores of such suffers and heard their amazing stories of rising from the bed.
