Andrew Sullivan: Occupy The World


After this weekend, it is impossible to deny that something is going on out there – something that spans different cultures, countries and polities. From the “Indignants” of Madrid to the pierced peons of Times Square to the thousands in Berlin and Frankfurt and London: this is a chord being struck. The question, to my mind, is: which chord exactly?…

But what I do see is – finally – a powerful cultural protest against the corruption of capitalism in the last decade, the crony-ridden political system that even now is trying to stall or gut Dodd-Frank, and against the staggering inequalities that now exist in this country and threaten to change its core democratic nature. And this is a good thing. It’s a good thing because it provides essential balance to the Tea Party’s case against government as a whole. Only one entity can restore some equity to the system and it’s government. Disempowering government at a time when the current system is consigning millions to decades of unemployment while rewarding a fraction of that with simply unimaginable rewards … that’s a recipe for social unrest.

In other words, this street movement is emerging to demand some accountability from the bankers who helped destroy this economy, from the politicians who used our money to save them, from the GOP even now balking at basic regulations on Wall Street to help prevent another crash, and from Obama whose conciliatory style so many now regard as betrayal…

Click here to read the full article.

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail!
