Analysis: What if Gov. Tom Corbett gave up after one term?

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: There’s every indication that Gov. Tom Corbett will seek re-election next year and continue Pennsylvania’s 43-year penchant for two-term governors…

….The conjecture over Corbett’s intention to run again has been based largely on persistently low approval numbers in polls, and a proposed budget that received a cold shoulder from the GOP-controlled state legislature earlier this month.

Particularly unpopular is the way Corbett’s budget hinges on three sweeping proposals. Lawmakers seem willing to debate Corbett’s proposed reduction in pension benefits for state workers, privatization of the state lottery’s management, and upgrade of state transportation infrastructure through gas tax revenues. But they balk at the budget relying on passage of the initiatives…   (more)

EDITOR: We think the editors under estimate the extent of public displeasure over Gov. Corbett’s inactions as Attorney General and actions as  Governor concerning the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
