Analysis: There is plenty of blame to go around for Republicans’ 0-5 state showing


…And [Neil Oxman, one of Pennsylvania’s top Democratic Party campaign strategists] said if he was Corbett, he’d be nervous right now, alluding to Kane’s promises to look at how the attorney general’s office pursued the child sex abuse investigation of Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State assistant football coach. Corbett launched the investigation when he was the attorney general.

It’s widely believed that a huge swath of state voters — including many Republicans — suspect Corbett slow-walked the case for political considerations.

Kane emerged as the largest vote-getter in the state Tuesday, earning more votes than Obama or Casey. Her big win suggests that the Penn State anti-Corbett sentiment is palpable…

EDITOR: This was a rare case of ‘David’ (Bill Keisling) taking on ‘Goliath’, Gov. Tom Corbett, in NewsLanc’s “Corbett/Penn State/Sandusky Series.”

Each article was e-mail blasted to key state and national media and gradually, week by week, was picked up by others and served as the basis of their reporting.    Over time, this led to wide public understanding  of what had taken place.

We cannot envision a greater service for good government in the Commonwealth than helping Kathleen Kane to be elected as Attorney General.



  1. Don’t throw your shoulder out patting yourself on the back!

    I’m glad Kane won. I’m one of the many who voted for her. There are lots of issues that she needs to address. Let’s not make this victory all about Corbett and his past and Sandusky.

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