An individual spent over $100,000 for a two page ad in the NYT to share his views

A two page ad appeared in the New York Times on Sunday, September 21, paid for by a John Haywood, about whom we could find no reference on the Internet.

Some of the ten points made by Haywood are stridently anti-Israeli. That is not to say they are without some merit.

But the following have all been made, some again and again over the years by NewsLanc.

We feel they deserve repeating:

Efficient Health Care

In a July 13, 2012 interview with Betty Liu of Bloomberg Television, billionaire financier Warren Buffet was asked: “A few weeks ago we heard from the Supreme Court, they upheld the health care reform act, the Affordable Care Act. Was that the right decision?”

Buffet: “Well I think it’s the right decision, but think that the health care problem is the number-one problem of America and of American business. If we have 17 or 18 percent of our GDP going to health care and we’re competing with countries that have 10 percent. That’s seven or eight points. There’s only 100 points in the dollar. And to have a seven- or eight-point disadvantage is huge. And a lot of businessmen complain about corporate taxes….Corporate taxes are less than two percent of GDP. So if you eliminated all the corporate taxes you’ve got seven points against you in health care.”

If the United States adopted Britain’s infinitely more efficient National Health Service (while retaining, as the British have, for-profit care for the 10% that want and can afford it), America’s bill for health care would drop from 17.5% GDP to 9% GDP.

If Helen Thomas Wasn’t Safe, Who Is?

She was the 90-year-old dean of the White House Press Corps. She was also the daughter of Lebanese immigrants. Soon after Mr. Obama’s inauguration Thomas had the audacity to ask him whether any Mideast Country had nuclear weapons. His evasive reply made clear there would be no change in American policy toward Israel.

The following year Thomas was recorded saying the following about the Israelis: “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine; Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not Germany, it’s not Poland. Why push people out of there who have lived there for centuries?” Thomas’s hell was about to begin.

The White House Correspondents’s Assn. publicly called her remarks “Indefensible;” her speaker agency publicly dropped her; her book project publicly terminated; a journalism group’s award named for Thomas publicly “retired;” and a planned commencement speech publicly canceled. Former White House Press secretaries publicly condemned her.

President Obama also went on record, calling her remarks “Offensive.” Her effectiveness as a reporter having come to an end, she resigned her job. On her death in 2012 newspapers across the land reported that she, a Semitic woman, had been an anti-Semite!

Legalize All Drugs, Place Them Under FDA Regulation, Tax Their Sale Moderately, and Treat the Addicts

One hundred years ago, before the first war on drugs began, 3% of Americans were addicted to drugs.

Beginning in 1914 the federal government engaged in a continuing and escalating war on drugs. Each escalation brought more violent crime committed by desperate addicts, more incarcerations, incredible expenditures of taxpayer money, more gang wars, violence in nations producing/transporting the drugs, and monumental profits for criminals.

Yet, today, 100 years later, 3% of Americans remain addicted to drugs. Almost all of them wind up in the clink. Only 11% get treatment even though treatment methods have advanced.



  1. Haywood is from S. Carolina , I believe, and has tried to run for president. His section on Israel is quite anti-semetic. What I don’t like is that he did not identify himself, and left no contact info to respond.

    EDITOR: Thanks for the information. Although not obvious, there was a link to contact him and one to his web site.

  2. To Anonymous,

    You have fallen into the trap Haywood describes in his advertisement. Being critical of Israel’s foreign policy does not make you anti-semitic.

  3. I think there is an obligation here by the NYT to give their readers a little more information about the individual who posted this ad.

  4. I agree, it would seem appropriate to know a little more about Mr. Haywood. I’m sure the NYT would have provided that information if it had been published as an editorial. But as a paid advertisement, it is a much different situation.

    I was very surprised to find that I agreed with most of the positions he is taking. Concerning the comment made by “Annonymous about his positions as being “Anti-Semite.” I believe that is exactly the point of his position. If someone says something against Israel, that doesn’t make them an Anti-Semite. Israel was founded as an admittedly terrorist country, and the early leaders admitted to bombing hotels a buildings that killed, on purpose many British citizens. That has nothing to do with the Jewish religion, Jewish people or their religious leaders.

    One of the reasons the Israel-Palestine problem continues is because American Jews have been brainwashed by the media to believe criticism of Israel’s policies is anti-semitic, and they block all open discussion.

  5. This is not the kind of ad that should be in the New York Times.

    Were they that hard up for $100,000 that they had to insult the intelligence of their readers, let alone offending every Catholic in the country?

  6. To anonymous: The word terrorist is a pretty loosely defined word and too ofter one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

    In the early days of the founding of the state of Israel there were three major factions among the Jewish fighters: Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang. The Stern Gang were terrorists and were defeated by the other two groups.

    The Irgun were accused of being terrorists mainly because the blew up British Headquarters located in the King David Hotel. But too many people forget that approximately twenty minutes to a half hour beforehand Begin called the British commander and warned him ahead of time that a bomb was to go off and to get his troops out of there, which he managed to laugh off.

    Other than that, there were plenty of acts of terrorism on both sides.

  7. The Irgun placed bombs in Arab marketplaces. One young Irgun woman actually gave a bomb in a basket of flowers to an Arab boy and asked him to hold the basket for her. The bomb did not go off and she was convicted. The Irgun was clearly a terrorist organization and there is no evidence of the prior warning at the king David Hotel except Begin’s self serving statements. The slaughter if civilians at Deir Yassin was a terrorist raid by the Irgun and lets not forget the murders of Lord Moyn and Conte Bernadotte.

    The Zionists went to Palestine with the intent to form their state in a place that was 90% non-Jewish and this could only be done by subjugating or expelling the indigenous population, which is exactly what the Zionists did and continue to do.

    Israel is an Apartheid state which privileges Jews over non-Jewish citizens in benefits, housing, employment and immigration.

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