An exchange over Libya

KZ: This war is starting out with less support than Iraq and Afghanistan had, only a plurality, 47%.  Usually we are in the 65% area when we begin wars but then, this one did not have the big propaganda build up.  If Ghadhafi does not go quickly this work could really hurt [President Obama]  politically.

WATCHDOG: The popularity at the outset isn’t pivotal.   It is how things are perceived as matters progress. For what it is worth, I think President Obama is handling this very skillfully and properly.   As I recently wrote, we are not going to achieve the dream of the Beatnik generation of a benign World Government, but democracies learn how to pull together to stare down egregious abuse of populations.  Time will tell and I believe we both hope that I am right.

Updated: March 29, 2011 — 12:55 pm