An American abroad

A current visit to Hungary and Croatia makes the Watchdog all the more aware of the decline of the United States.

He drove a new super highway linking Budapest to Zegrab (funded by the European Union and private enterprise.)

He stopped at a service plaza that makes the latest Turnpike renovation appear two decade behind the time. (Provided by MOL, a Russian oil company.)

He saw acres of new office building throughout downtowns and suburbs.

Americans who do not travel have no idea of how far our nation is sliding behind the rest of the world.

The main causes:  We over spend 3% of our Gross National Product on the military (not even considering the costs in the lives and spirits of our youth) and over spend 6% of our GNP on health care (despite the mediocre ratings compared to other nations  for its qualitly).  In short, we squander the 9% of GNP that otherwise would go into capital improvements.

It is worse yet.  We are allowing our roads, bridges and public buildings to decay for want of repairs and replacement.  Dodge the pot holes; bump along the alligatored highways; note the rust and pealing paint on the bridges.

When did Lancaster last see major new construction apart from LGH lavishing the public charity’s money on new buildings?  Oh yes, we had the white elephant of a convention center, 90% funded by tax payers and not producing the various benefits promised by its sponsors to justify its existance.

Wake up America to facts rather than sentiments.  We are being robbed blind while basking in past glory.
