AG’s recommendations for Penn State include removing governor, school president as trustees


…[Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack] Wagner called for Gov. Tom Corbett, the Legislature and Penn State trustees to make changes, including:

  • Removing the university president and the governor as voting members of the board and cutting its size from 32 to 21 so power can be shared more evenly among all members.
  • Ending most of Penn State’s exemptions from the state’s open-records law.
  • Changing university bylaws to require a simple majority of the board to be present at any meeting before official action can be taken, and to lock a revolving door between the university’s senior management and trustee membership.
  • Taking additional steps — beyond adding a public comment period at board meetings — to improve public access to the board, including a hotline for people wanting to report concerns and an earlier publication of board meeting agendas.…

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