After a year, leaders should be heartless

“Of course, citizens should seek to develop their own expertise through serious study of various aspects of the issues in question.  Of course they should share their views.   But if they don’t have the ability, time or inclination to do so, they should at least show some humility concerning those who have.”

It’s obvious that in any group of people, there will be some who are more knowledgeable than average. Among them, there are obviously those are more knowledgeable than the rest. Keep on doing this, and you’ll find that there is one person who is more knowledgeable than anyone else.

Therefore, we should let ‘him’ make all the decisions, right?

But if we do, I think we should adopt another principle of government from the Aztecs. Once a year, they names a new leader for themselves, and cut the heart, still pumping, from the chest of their old leader.

It doesn’t make being treated like an bumbling idiot any easier, but at least you’d have reason, once a year, to be thankful that it’s someone else making all those decisions.
