Achieving higher quality, lower cost health care

THE HEALING OF AMERICA ; A Global Quest For Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care


… T.R. Reid has done a service to his nation by showing in his latest book just how uninformed this conventional wisdom is. Based on his own experience and research, “The Healing of America” is both readable and informative.

Many decades ago, Reid suffered an accident while in the Navy that left him with a bum shoulder, a condition that, while not acutely painful, became increasingly bothersome as he aged. During his long career working as a foreign correspondent for The Washington Post, he and his family received high-quality, routine care from doctors in places like Tokyo and London. These two circumstances provided Reid with the inspiration for his book and set him off on “a quest for two cures.” He traveled around the world, visiting doctors in places as diverse as Taiwan, France and India to see how their health care systems would approach treating his shoulder pain, and in the process he searched for insights to cure the U.S. health care crisis…

… Reid shows us how other advanced countries easily combine universal coverage and government regulation with entrepreneurialism and respect for market forces to produce high quality, low cost health care — a simple empirical truth we can no longer afford to ignore…

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. Thanks to for the link. This article should be required reading for every American voter.

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