Abuse trials miss other victims


…Sandusky was found guilty late Friday on 45 counts of child sex abuse. Lynn was found guilty earlier on one count of child endangerment and acquitted on two other charges. The jury deadlocked on two child-abuse counts against the Rev. James J. Brennan.

For victims in yet unknown cases to get their day in court, Harrisburg lawmakers and Gov. Corbett must push aside special interests, including the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference and the insurance lobby, and carve a path to the courthouse.

In pursuit of Lynn’s conviction for child endangerment, prosecutors offered compelling proof that, as the city’s former top prosecutor, Lynne M. Abraham, said, “the cover-up went all the way to the top,” including then-Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Hey guys, “the cover-up went all the way to the top” also at Penn State.   Then Attorney General Tom Corbett was strangling the investigation until it got out of his control.   The he diverted attention from his culpability by leading a witch hunt against Joe Paterno.

Visit Bill Keisling’s revelation, echoes of which have reverberated across state and national media: Tom didn’t want to do it” but Narcotics Agent nabs Sandusky”.


1 Comment

  1. Corbett needs to be accountable for this Sandusky fiasco.

    He thought he was capitalizing on an opportunity with the Penn State tie in allowing him to unseat Spanier but 3 years from when the 2008 victim was found “credible” and an arrest in 2011 meant public safety was sacrificed to political opportunism.

    The fact is most of the crimes took place off of the PSU campus and Sandusky is a “Pennsylvania” scandal more than a PSU scandal.

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