Zbigniew Brzezinski warns against saber rattling in the Middle East

While driving to the DC yesterday afternoon, we listened on C-SPAN to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter administration National Security Advisor, discuss the conflict with Iran over its developing atomic bomb capability.

He described the alienation towards Israel and the United States throughout the Middle East that would result from an air attack on Iran’s nuclear capabilities, not the least in Iran itself, thus solidifying the hold of its extreme fundamentalist regime.

He mentioned that even the Soviet Union with its great offensive capacities in land and by air was deterred from launching aggressions against Western Europe by USA guarantees that an attack on Europe would be treated as an attack on us.

He pointed out that the United States has provided the same guarantees to South Korea and Japan concerning the nuclear armed and bellicose North Korea.

He criticized President Obama for referring to “red lines” in Iran and also for saying that President Bashar al- Assad of Syria must go, commitments that are more rhetoric than practical and which tend to warp future policy.
The neo-cons and the military-industrial complex once again are urging American military intervention, this time in Iran and Syria.

The high price we paid in lives, American and others, and treasure in Iraq and Afghanistan is reason for circumspection and caution.
