A (Katie) True Drug Warrior

Publisher Robert Field wrote State Representative Katie True: “May I come visit with you to discuss off and / or on the record the proposal for medical marijuana?… Hearings on PA4MMJ are scheduled on 12/2/09….

“Meanwhile, here is a link to www.DrugWarFacts.org which is a compendium of government studies and peer review articles. http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/54. Perhaps you read where earlier this week the American Medical Association past a resolution recognizing marijuana as medicine.”

True promptly responded as follows:  “I’m sure you know that I am retiring – there is no need for us to meet as I feel very strongly about the ‘hoax’ of medical marijuana – I know you are sincere in your belief’s but so am I this will not change.  I suggest you work on the new candidates that come forward for the 41st because having seen all types of drug destruction in my own family, you will never change my mind as I’m sure I will never change yours.”

May True or members her family never suffer from illnesses for which legal marijuana can provide relief.



  1. I have personally witnessed the relief which a cancer treatment patient can get from pot.

    It is quite interesting the shift in paradigm. I’ve seen a person who was vehement against pot forget their prejudice when the pain hit.

    Politics and political correctness go out the window when your time is near and your pain in nearer.

  2. To keep cannabis illegal while tobacco and alcohol are dispensed freely would be murderously stupid. Get smart.

  3. It’s too bad that so called bible believers would take something that God created and claim it’s evil. It’s a plant for crying out loud!

    Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

    What part of VERY GOOD don’t they get?

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