A.G. Kane mulls U.S. Senate run

PHILADELPHIA DIALY NEWS: KATHLEEN KANE, …The Scranton native is not planning to enter the crowded 2014 Democratic primary election for governor, as many speculated.

Instead, Kane is eyeing a 2016 run for the U.S. Senate against Pat Toomey, a Lehigh Valley Republican.

Three sources close to Kane confirmed that she is very interested in a 2016 Senate run… (more)


1 Comment

  1. To date I am unaware of anything Ms. Kane has done for the people of Pennsylvania. She appears to be a political hack, and the appointment of H. Geoffrey Moulton as a Sandusky investigator shows a lack of judgment.

    Mr. Moulton as lead investigator in the WACO TX Branch Dividian incident, in which the federal government caused the deaths of dozens of people including children, found nothing wrong with the governments actions. Those actions included the use of military assault weapons and a tank against those people and ultimately caused them to burn to death.

    It has been reported that the lack of government accountability caused Timothy McVeigh and others to destroy the Murrah building in Oklahoma city. A sad event which many Americans cannot forget. Kane’s judgment should be an issue should she run.

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