A fracas going on? ‘Let’s get involved’

The following is from an article “Ex-Rep. Pete Hoekstra: Ukraine Turmoil Shows US ‘Missing in Action’” appearing in NewsMax:

“Ukraine is teetering toward civil war because ‘the United States has been missing in action,’ Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra told Newsmax on Thursday.

” ‘It’s devastating’ Hoekstra said in an exclusive interview. ‘America’s standing on the sidelines … has put them in a very difficult — if not an impossible — situation through our silence and inaction.’”

” ‘They’re advocating for more freedom, more democracy, more economic freedom, and opportunity. It’s highly probable that these folks are going to fall back under the orbit of Russia rather than uniting with the European Community.’ “

Doesn’t Hoekstra understand that Russia will counter balance or worse any initiative we take in the Ukraine? Has he looked at a map recently?

Some people don’t care about the lives of American soldiers or the economic viability of our country. They have learned nothing from failed approaches to Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course the military-industrial complex needs wars to justify its immense profits and cost to the nation.
