A Firefighter’s statement to City Council

(As reported by a NewsLanc contributor)

“Good Evening:

My name is Tristan Dressler, and I am one of the group of four Lancaster City Firefighters who were laid off on February 2nd.

I’ve come tonight to express my thanks to my neighbors, friends and fellow citizens of Lancaster. This community, even through these troubled times has shown me and the other firefighters affected by layoffs sympathy and compassion. The support coming from the community is appreciated.

I believe that this community needs to be made aware that this situation could have been avoided, and was absolutely unnecessary.

As a group, the firefighters of Lancaster City have always made sacrifices when the City needed us to, and this situation is no different. We believe that we have a number of options that Lancaster’s administration could use to not only save money, but prevent staffing cuts in the Fire Bureau. Unfortunately, these suggestions have been ignored.

Historically, through many administrations, our manpower has steadily decreased. For the good of this city and the safety of its citizens, the administration and the firefighters need to work together to stop this dangerous trend.

The proposed 24 hour work schedule is not the answer to the city’s financial problems. This change would add an additional 8 weeks of scheduled work per year for each firefighter without an increase in compensation. I’ve asked around, and have yet to find one single person in this community who would be open to such an arrangement.

Most importantly, however, is the fact that the work schedule change, by its very design, is intended to further reduce manpower in the Fire Bureau. This cannot be allowed to happen.

Unfortunately, the City of Lancaster intends to use job cuts to create an environment of hostility and fear in the fire stations, and will use that fear of job cuts in an attempt to force the firefighter’s union to accept a schedule change.

In the aftermath of the layoffs, we’ve all witnessed Mr. Gray’s portrayal of the firefighters in the media. Let me say this very clearly: The men and women of the Lancaster Bureau of Fire are a group of honorable, honest and caring people. They rarely receive recognition for their efforts in protecting this community, and are undeserving of Mr. Gray’s recriminations.

It is time for both sides to take a step back and refocus. Mr. Gray’s brinksmanship policy making has made the city less safe, discredited his office and tarnished the reputation firefighters have spent 128 years earning. The firefighters must now redouble their efforts to show both the policy makers and community members that they are willing to work with the city for the best interests of the community. Finally, we all must trust that Lancaster’s firefighters are acting in the best interests of the community.

We always have, and we always will.”


1 Comment

  1. Lancaster city is in a downward spiral. If you continue to raise taxes reduce services and keep allowing for more and more non profit organizations to exist in the city there is only one way to go and that is down. I am waiting for someone to show me how this and past administrations have worked to increase the tax base in the city, other then by annexation of neighboring township property.

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