"A Day of Remembrance for Lancaster"

A brief memorial ceremony commemorating the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks was held in Binns Park around noon, Thursday.

J.P. McCaskey’s gospel choir sang the Star-Spangled Banner and other selections, followed by an invocation, a flag-raising (to half-mast) by city police and firefighters, and remarks from Lancaster Mayor J. Richard “Rick” Gray.

“There are certain days in life we never forget,” Gray said, going on to mention getting one’s driver’s license, high school prom, the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor, and President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

September 11, 2001, he said, is one of those days. “Today, we remember not only the horror of the original attack, but all of the police and firefighters who charged into the burning infernos.”

Gray went on to mention the national feeling of patriotism and unity that followed the attacks. “Let that be the real memorial,” he said.

Roughly 75 people, including many city police and firefighters attended Thursday’s ceremony.
