A cry for help and sign of the times

EDITOR: The following was received by Richard Field, founder of the American House Foundation in Hungary.  Some school children receive no lunch; others only get a thin gruel.  We reproduce the letter because it is representative of what is occurring  throughout the world.

Please allow me to introduce myself: my name is ——– and I am an American living in Budapest, Hungary.  I recently heard about the American House Foundation’s work here in Hungary, and would like to thank you for the help you have so far extended to Hungary, especially in the matter of providing food for children.

I mention this issue in particular because I am a teacher at a school located in the 15th district of Budapest, where the American House Foundation is already providing support to the Kontyfa High School in this district.  The school where I work is called Gyula László, and consists of a kindergarten, elementary and high school.  We are also battling with many difficulties, and more and more families are unable to provide adequate food for their children.  This year, for example, one first-grader has already been diagnosed with scurvy.  My question to you is whether the American House Foundation would be able to provide any kind of food aid to the children at our school as well.  Any help at all would be appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  I hope the American House Foundation continues to be able to extend its essential help to Hungary.
