More Amtrak money to be flushed down the commode

We recently read that Amtrak was seeking $300,000 to renovate the rest rooms at its Lancaster station.

A recent inspection of the men’s room caused us to wonder why they would need more than a tenth of that amount, if that much.

The marble walls far exceed anything that is currently installed in hotels and commercial buildings. The urinals are divided by marble screens per the most modern design.

A dab of paint here and there, a good cleaning and polishing of the floors, and all would be in good shape.

NewsLanc blew the whistle on the initial idiotic parking lay out that would have put railroad yard workers closer to the station and passengers further away.

We were amazed at the spectacle of taking months to paint the station, a job that shouldn’t have stretched beyond two weeks.

Now are we to watch while money that Amtrak and the federal government can hardly afford to spend is flushed down the drain?
