LETTER: Cycle of illegal cross border immigration and then reprieve


We seem to go through this cycle every 20 to 30 years. We look the other way as millions of mostly Hispanics cross the border while we give scrutiny to others who hail from other parts of the world. We then confer citizenship on those who entered illegally. Would this be properly called racism or would it be called hispanic privilege? We need not deport anyone, we need merely to enforce the law.

EDITOR: Not to necessarily disagree, we point out that the USA desperate needs these immigrants to provide a tax base in the future to support Social Security for the Baby Boomers and also provide both a labor pool and later a share of leadership for the country.

As things now stand, we are not increasing our native population, actually falling behind by a hair. (2.01 births per female compared to the needed 2.1 births.)

The strength of the USA since it origination has been the waves of immigration that were gradually assimilated while also changing the nation. We have as much if not more confidence for the future successful leadership of the country in women, African-Americans and Latinos as we do in the traditional white males.
