Wolf admits plagiarism in Pa. governor’s race, edits campaign policy plan

PENNLIVE: …[Allyson ] Schwartz, the veteran Montgomery County congresswoman and previous party frontrunner, opened the primary warfare earlier this month by questioning Wolf’s campaign finances.

And Thursday her campaign noted that the York County millionaire lifted language from policy papers issued by Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based Johnson Controls Inc.

“Tom Wolf claims to be a different type of candidate,” said Mark Bergman, spokesman for the Schwartz campaign. “He says he will take us in a new direction with a ‘Fresh Start’ policy, yet the words aren’t even his own.”… (more)


1 Comment

  1. First questions about a candidate using his own money to run a campaign and now dubious plagiarism allegations!

    I realize a Democratic candidate must win the primary to get to the big game in the fall, but these candidates are embarrassing themselves when they should be working on real issues to play against Corbett.

    Could we possibly have some constructive discussion on pension reform, the environment, school funding, or any of the important stuff?

    Democrats – get your act together! This election should be a cake walk for you this year.

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