Concussions May Lead to Alzheimer’s Brain Plaques

HEALTHLINE: …People who suffer concussions may be at a higher risk of developing plaques on the brain found in people with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study featured in the journal Neurology.
The new research released today examines the relationship between concussions and amyloid beta plaques in the brain. While the study couldn’t prove causation, it helps shed light into the possible long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries…

“Interestingly, in people with a history of concussion, a difference in the amount of brain plaques was found only in those with memory and thinking problems, not in those who were cognitively normal,” Mielke said in a statement. “Our results add merit to the idea that concussion and Alzheimer’s disease brain pathology may be related.” … (more)

EDITOR: Parents need to give serious thought as to whether they want their sons to play football. Soccer, Lacrosse, wrestling, track and field, basketball, baseball all offer good alternatives with far less risk. We suspect that in twenty years football will be banned from high school activities.
