Three wags of the tail for the Lancaster Sunday News

In “Justice for Jonathan Luna”, the editorial states:

“When other [Assistant United States Attorneys] were killed, the feds put on a full-court press to find the killers. When Mr. Luna was killed — as three Lancaster County coroners concluded — the feds sat on the bench.

“We’d like to know why. We’d like to know why the FBI didn’t try harder to solve the mysterious death of a federal prosecutor. We’d like to know why there wasn’t more outrage from Mr. Luna’s colleagues in the Baltimore U.S. attorney’s office. We’d like to know why Mr. Luna seemingly dropped everything he was doing at 11:38 p.m. Dec. 3 and left his office without the glasses he needed to drive. We’d like to know why and how he wound up in Brecknock Township, after a bizarre 4-1/2-hour odyssey. We’d like to know why some feds want the public to believe that Jonathan Luna stabbed himself 36 times — in the back, as well.”

As set forth in William Keisling’s thoroughly researched and updated over the years “The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna”, the evidence is overwhelming of FBI agents either being co-conspirators or facilitators in the murder of Luna.

The FBI would have us believe that Luna walked from the upper floors of the Federal Building in Baltimore without Luna and anyone accompanying him being picked up on a single security camera; he drove off in his car from the federal parking garage, again without any camera showing him; and then gassed his car and withdrew cash at a PennsylvaniaTurnpike service plaza and…. the television cameras were reportedly out of order.

And it goes on and on like that.

Luna was working late that night by order of a federal judge who insisted that he accurately describe the mishandling of a murder investigation by the FBI and his department. The case was compromised and closed the next morning by Luna’s superior so the report was never made.

The Sunday News has long been on the cutting edge of reporting this important story. They and Keisling deserve awards for their services.

We hope that the Sunday News will redouble its efforts to investigate the murder of a conscientious public servant, husband and parent.


1 Comment

  1. I’d like to know why………LNP does not investigate all the unsolved murders (more than a dozen and counting) in Lancaster City.

    I’d like to know why………LNP refuses to inform the public about the unfair financial advantage that PSP has over the Convention Center, at taxpayer expense.

    I’d like to know why………certain “powers that be” in Lancaster feel that they are entitled to every government source of funding that comes down the highway.

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