Republicans shift tone on taxing the rich

FINANCIAL TIMES:  Some Republicans are shifting their tone on the prospect of increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans, in a move that could ease concerns about the US plunging off the so-called “fiscal cliff” after the November election.

A senior Republican aide in the House of Representatives told the Financial Times there was an internal debate within the party, with one side arguing that Republicans would be better off to “give in” to Democratic demands for an increase in taxes for individuals making more than $250,000 if Barack Obama were re-elected….

A top Republican aide in the Senate said that an overhaul of the US tax code was ultimately the most important tax-related goal of the party and that the intense focus on whether or not to increase taxes on the top earners was ultimately irrelevant…   (more)

EDITOR:  It seems that the Romney campaign is ‘flip flopping’ on all issues that have worked against them during the election campaign.  Of course, increasing taxes on the wealthy would only have their support if President Obama wins.
