43 days behind schedule, CC to open March 3rd

At the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority Facilities Programming Committee meeting held on November 13, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the Southern Market, Tim Sullivan of Reynolds Construction gave a lengthy report which included the following information:

– 74% of total “hard costs” have been spent as of the end of October.

– Total “slippage” by the end of October is 43 days (behind schedule).

– “Substantial completion” of the convention center is expected by March 3, 2009.

– “Substantial completion” of the hotel tower is expected by March 10, 2009.

– Completion of “punch list” items is expected by March 27, 2009. This would mark the actual completion of the project.

These estimated completion dates are based on the current status of construction plus current estimates of the amount of work that needs to be completed, including “furnishings, fixtures, and equipment” (FF&E).

Gail Tomlinson of the Historic Preservation Trust reported:

– Contractors are estimating that eight months will be required to complete exterior work on the historic properties. Ms. Tomlinson is pushing the contractors to have exterior completion by the time the hotel and convention center opens, which is highly unlikely to be met.

– Work on the historic properties is being complicated by fire protection and safety issues, along with a pressing need to secure the spaces between the historic properties and the convention center structure.

– The first exterior restoration work will be performed on the buildings at Queen and Vine streets.

– Work on the museum interior will only begin when the exterior work is completed. Ms. Tomlinson stated that it could be as long as two years from the time the convention center is opened until museum exhibits are ready; in other words, there will be ongoing construction behind the curved glass of the lower convention center lobby along Vine St.

– Regular meetings are being held to negotiate a lease for the historic properties between the HPT and the LCCCA. (Even though the HPT is paying for all of the work on the historic buildings and on the museum level of the convention center, the LCCCA will continue to hold title to all of these properties.)
