42 groups demand DEP change policy on enforcing rules for shale drilling


Forty-two environmental, conservation and faith-based organizations and businesses have asked Gov. Tom Corbett to end the state Department of Environmental Protection’s new procedure requiring political appointees to review and approve of all enforcement actions involving Marcellus Shale gas well operations.

The 42 groups, including seven businesses and two church groups, say in the letter that the new DEP procedure policy that requires even notices of violation normally issued by field inspectors to be pre-approved by DEP Secretary Michael Krancer or other department administrators will create “unacceptable delays” that could endanger public health and safety…

“Preventing DEP inspectors from issuing notices of violations of environmental laws unnecessarily delays resolution of problems and conditions that pose threats to natural resources, worker safety and public health,” said Jan Jarrett, president and chief executive officer of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future, a statewide environmental advocacy organization active on Marcellus Shale drilling issues. “We need the DEP to let on-the-ground inspectors do their jobs.”

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