Exit Poll Shows SC Voters Made up Their Minds Late


….BROADLY CONSERVATIVE: About 7 in 10 voters in South Carolina said they tilt conservative on most political matters, according to early exit polls. That group gave Gingrich an edge over Mitt Romney. More moderate and liberal voters tilted toward Romney.

LATE DECIDERS: A majority of South Carolina Republican voters said they decided on a candidate in the last few days, and they favored Gingrich by a double-digit margin. Romney had a small edge among those who said they made up their minds in December or earlier.

RELIGIOUS VOTERS: Almost two-thirds of voters in South Carolina said they are born again or evangelical Christians, and about one-quarter said it was deeply important that a candidate share their religious views. Voters in both groups preferred Gingrich to Romney…

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EDITOR: It appears that, rather than rejecting Gingrich due to his history of  extra marital relationships, the evangelical Christians have embraced him for his outspoken repentance.
