22 participants tested for HIV in April, but not in Lancaster

EDITOR: The following is a report from a syringe exchange in a Pennsylvania city comperable to Lancaster.   These essential and successful  efforts to reduce the use of drugs andto prevent the spread of venereal diseases and HIV /AIDS are not taking place in Lancaster due to the unwillingness of Lancaster General Health, a Public Charity exempted from real estate taxes and profiting at a rate of close to a hundred million dollars annually, to provide a modest subsidy of perhaps $100,000 a year to the Urban League to provide these services.

April 2012 Monthly Report

Twenty-two participants were tested for HIV in April.

Total contacts: 349

Total IDU contacts: 301

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 263

Syringes: 3120

Condoms distributed: Male- 2730, Female-57, Dental Dams-42 Finger Cots-60

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 39

White Male: 42

Latino: 72

African American female: 29

White female: 46

Latina: 35

We completed 198 referrals for various services.

This month, as a result of our 83 total D&A referrals, five participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.

April 2012 Monthly Report

Twenty-two participants were tested for HIV in April.

April 2012 Report

Total contacts: 349

Total IDU contats: 301

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 263

Syringes: 3120

Condoms distributed: Male- 2730, Female-57, Dental Dams-42 Finger Cots-60

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 39

White Male: 42

Latino: 72

African American female: 29

White female: 46

Latina: 35

We completed 198 referrals for various services.

This month, as a result of our 83 total D&A referrals, five participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.
