Zogby: Obama’s Speech Didn’t Help Win Undecideds

NEWSMAX:  President Barack Obama’s speech Thursday night was aimed to energize his supporters to work hard for the next two months, and undecided voters ignored both conventions and will only begin focusing on the race around the time of the debates, expert pollster John Zogby told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview….

They’re both very important and, ultimately, it’s going to come down to how people feel and it’s not as simple or uncomplex as it sounds. You have almost two out of three who feel that the nation is headed in the wrong direction but then you also have a significant number who are saying, ‘But just who is Mitt Romney? Who is the GOP? Why should we entrust our vote to them?’ And so you have two actually flawed candidates and they spent a lot of time delineating each other’s flaws.”

“Bill Clinton has a great way of communicating complex things to voters in a folksy, meaningful way,” Zogby said. “He tells the Obama story better than Obama tells his own story. So in that sense, number one, he set the table perfectly for the president’s speech last night, which, incidentally, was a very good speech. And then number two, if Clinton is used judiciously, not every day, not all day and not to everyone, but used judiciously to some key crowds and high profile events, he could be a tremendous help, particularly with undecided voters.” …  (more)
