Zogby New Poll Stunner: Christie, Cain Lead GOP Pack

NEWSMAX:  A new IBOPE Zogby poll shows Atlanta businessman Herman Cain vaulting into the No. 1 front-runner position among active candidates as the choice to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2012.

Cain, a longtime Pillsbury executive who later became chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, was the preferred choice of 14 percent of the likely Republican primary voters polled.

His showing placed second only to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who got 17 percent. Christie, however, has insisted repeatedly that he will not be running for president in 2012. Ron Paul placed third with 10 percent, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who had 9 percent…  (more)
EDITOR:   Donald Trump and now Republicans want Herman Cain for President?  If it was not so tragic a commentary on the ignorance of the right wing of the Republican Party (which threatens to become the majority), it would be hilarious!
