Youth Intervention Center Receives Statewide Awards



Drew Fredericks, Director

Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center



[email protected]

Youth Intervention Center Receives Statewide Awards

State College, PA, 10-9-09 – The Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center received several statewide awards at the Juvenile Detention Centers’ Association of Pennsylvania (JDCAP) 2009 annual conference that was held earlier last month.

The facility was the recipient of JDCAP’s “Staff Person of the Year”, “Special Event of the Year”, and “Alex A. Wilson President’s Award” honors. Justin Williams, Shelter Youth Care Worker, received the “Staff Person of the Year” award for his admirable work ethic and tremendous initiative. Justin naturally steps up to handle situations where shelter clients may be distraught or even combative. Beyond being a skilled and enthusiastic Youth Care Worker performing common job tasks at a high level, Justin also serves in several other capacities beyond the expectations of his position.

Justin is the one of the facility’s certified CPR, First Aid, and Safe Crisis Management trainers. Justin and a fellow employee are also responsible for administering one of the facility’s Community Intervention Service programs called Operation Deterrence. This free program is available to concerned parents and community agencies whose children are beginning to display inappropriate behaviors, but have not yet entered the juvenile justice system. Justin and his partner facilitate the presentation at the facility every Tuesday evening and then place follow-up phone calls throughout the year to see how the participants are doing. More information about the program can be found by visiting

The Shooflymoonpie Art Mural project received the “JDCAP 2009 Special Event of the Year” award. The project was the result of Roberta Little’s vision to cultivate cultural connections between her former gulf coast home that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, and her new home here in Lancaster County along with the help of Mississippi artist Bill Myers. The other team members were Cindy Moyer, a local retired art teacher, Jeremy Hollinger, and Ann Martin who are both college students studying art at nearby universities.

The mural began with three blank hinged wooden closet doors. By the end of the four-day project we had a very colorful and lively mural that all involved (which included approximately 40 residents) could be very proud of. The mural is now displayed in the lobby of the Youth Intervention Center for all to see the proud work that was completed as a result of this very special event. More information about the project can be found by visiting

The Youth Intervention Center was also the recipient of JDCAP’s “Alex A. Wilson President’s Award” for “exhibiting model participation, exceptional, leadership, and dedication to our mission above and beyond what is expected of any active member”.

Formerly named Barnes Hall, the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center provides temporary safe and secure care for alleged delinquent juveniles and dependent juveniles of Lancaster County. For all juveniles, the center provides protection for the community and the child.
