WSJ/NBC national poll shows Hillary Clinton crushing all rivals

POLITICO: …The poll found the former secretary of state garnering 75 percent of the vote in a potential Democratic primary. Her closest challenger, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, received only 15 percent of Democrats’ support, while former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley were supported by fewer than 5 percent of respondents.

The results represent a resurgence of sorts for Clinton after Sanders had appeared to close the gap slightly in recent months, though it should be noted that the poll was of American adults, not of registered or likely voters — and that polling averages are usually a better indicator of the true state of the race.

The presumptive Democratic front-runner also stacked up well against the three top Republican contenders in national polls. She led former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in a hypothetical match-up among registered voters, 48-40, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker 51-37, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio 50-40 percent… (more)
