World’s largest solar plant opens in California desert

USA TODAY: …U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell joined state officials on Monday to open the 550-megawatt Desert Sunlight solar project in the town of Desert Center, Calif., near Joshua Tree National Park. Built by First Solar, the project generates enough electricity to power 160,000 average California homes…

[T]he Department of Energy reported last year that it expects to make a profit of $5 billion to $6 billion from the program. The
department funded five traditional, large-scale solar farms, and Desert Sunlight marks the last of those projects to go online…

There’s little doubt that California will get more electricity from clean energy in the coming years. The state’s three major utilities are on track to meet or exceed a 33% renewable energy mandate by 2020, and Gov. Jerry Brown is calling for policymakers to increase that target to 50% by 2030… (more)
