Workers rush to block Fukushima crack

FINANCIAL TIMES:   In the ongoing struggle to contain its nuclear crisis, Tokyo Electric Power is rushing to block a crack its workers found in a pit that is leaking highly radioactive water into the ocean at its Fukushima Daiichi plant

Workers have been battling to contain radiation from the power station amid signs it was continuously leaking into the sea. High levels of radiation levels inside and outside the building were detected at the reactor No.2 in the past week.

Tepco workers on Saturday found a 20 centimetre crack in a shaft storing supply cables close to reactor No. 2 at the stricken plant. The shaft contained water with a radiation dose of over 1,000 millisieverts per hour, Tepco said. It is injecting concrete into the crack in the hope that it will block the leakage. It remains unclear whether this will work and if there are leaks from other parts of the plant…  (more)
