Women make strides, but still trail men in wage comparisons


Average working women in Pennsylvania continue to earn less than 80 cents on every dollar of income for their male counterparts….

Statistically, women have spottier work histories than men because more leave the work force temporarily or periodically for child rearing or family care…

“Women tend not to negotiate their salaries as aggressively as men do as they end the work force,” [Elizabeth Randol, Ph.D.,] said. “They are more willing to say yes to jobs that don’t pay as much because they may be the primary breadwinner or the sole source of income in the family.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The excerpts are not representative of the entire article, but what information thought to be new and perhaps provocative.  As always, we encourage  using the link.


1 Comment

  1. This information is no longer accurate but is rather selective in its choosing of facts.

    How bout this
    1) For the first time in America men marry up more than women (financially) [Some may say its because the women have the assets from a previous marriage due to advantage]

    2) In the five months prior to March 2010 more women are employed in America than men and more women are in positions of manager than men.

    You should look at the article in The Atlantic entitled “The End Of Men”.

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