Wisconsin Governor at Center of a Vast Fund-Raising Case

NEW YORK TIMES: Prosecutors in Wisconsin assert that Gov. Scott Walker was part of an elaborate effort to illegally coordinate fund-raising and spending between his campaign and conservative groups during efforts to recall him and several state senators two years ago, according to court filings unsealed on Thursday.

The allegations by five county district attorneys, released as part of a federal lawsuit over the investigation into Mr. Walker, suggest that some of the governor’s top campaign aides directed the political spending of the outside groups, most of them nonprofits, and in effect controlled some of them.

The documents made public on Thursday threatened to cloud the political prospects of Mr. Walker, who is seeking election to a second term this fall and is mentioned as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016. They provided a rare view of the inner workings of a far-flung network of conservative nonprofit groups that have come to play a decisive role in national and state elections, secretly moving hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns by avoiding traditional political action committees, which typically face tougher disclosure requirements… (more)


1 Comment

  1. What the NYT fails to mention is the investigation was shut down by a federal judge. The Times also fails to mention the late night raids of peoples homes, the gag orders preventing those charged from talking about it and the civil suits against the prosecutors and a state agency for possible illegal transferring of information. The Times fear of a Walker candidacy is quite obvious.

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