Wis. Voters Send Governor Strong, Angry Message

From AOL / AP:

Wisconsin voters sent Republican Gov. Scott Walker a clear message about their unhappiness with his muscling through a law restricting union rights by sending a once runaway state Supreme Court race toward a near-certain recount and filling the governor’s former post with a Democrat.

While Walker downplayed the significance of Tuesday’s elections on Wednesday, saying they were skewed by exceptional turnout in the liberal cities of Madison and Milwaukee, Democrats warned they were only a sign of what’s to come. Recall efforts have been launched against 16 state senators from both parties for their support or opposition to the bill eliminating most public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

“This continues to add fuel to the tremendous fire of enthusiasm and passion to recall the Republican senators that support Scott Walker’s backwards priorities for the state,” Wisconsin Democratic Party chairman Mike Tate said of the election results…

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1 Comment

  1. These right wing mid-west governors may be the best thing to happen to Obama’s re-election.

    The midwest is a critical battleground for Obama. He is lucky not to have any decent opponents on the Republican side and that the at the governor level and in the House of Representatives the Republicans have shown their extremism. They may save Obama from himself and from turning off his voter base with his corporatist policies.

    Too bad, once again real solutions to the urgent problems faced by Americans will be shut out of the electoral process.


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