Winter does not deter a regional syringe exchange

Another example  of the work of one of the Lancaster, Harrisburg, York and Reading syringe / harm reduction  exchanges we  fund and support.  Their contacts with those most in need of health care and counseling not only deter the spread of HIV./ AIDS and other diseases but also is the point of initial contact so as to be able to direct them to further aid on the path of return to family and jobs.



January 2018 Monthly Report:


Twenty-one participants were tested for HIV/STD’s in January (self-reported)


Total contacts: 512

Total IDU contacts: 478

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 350

Syringes: 4950, Condoms distributed: Male- 2850 Female-35, Dental Dams-26 Finger Cots-50

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 44

White male: 63

Latino: 88

African American female: 42

White female: 60

Latina: 53


We provided 419 referrals for various services, including 81 for naloxone.

This month, as a result of our 133 total D&A referrals, six participants entered into drug treatment/facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are unaware.

This month we were able to make ten known successful naloxone referrals, all were self obtained, meaning no advocacy from (our syringe exchange) was needed, and all had health insurance to cover the cost.*

*These are the ones we are aware of, there could be many more of which we are unaware.

