Winklevosses lash out at Larry Summers over remarks

LA TIMES:  The Winklevosses are taking their grievances over a public tongue lashing from Larry Summers to Harvard University President Drew Faust.

In a letter to Faust that lashes back at Summers, the Winklevosses and their partner, Divya Narendra, asked Faust to address Summers’ use of derogatory language to characterize them. They contend that kind of remark about former students from a faculty member is an “unprecedented betrayal.”

Summers was the president of Harvard University when Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook. The Winklevosses allege that Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from them. A scene of a meeting in Summers’ office is in last year’s film, “The Social Network.”…  (more)

EDITOR:  Former Secretary of the Treasury Summers was perturbed that the Winklevosses had used their father’s influence to obtain an interview with him as Harvard president on a matter he felt  should have been handled on an academic level or in the courts.  Nevertheless, Summers is infamous for his lack of tact which led to his being forced out by the faculty as president of the university.  The interview is a great scene in The Social Network movie.
