Will we have a good, bad or ugly budget?: Terry Madonna and Michael L. Young


1) The “Good” – Under this scenario, probably the least likely, Wolf and Republican leaders actually agree on a budget in late June or early July. If this happens both sides are going to make major concessions on hot button issues, such as pensions, new taxes and liquor privatization. Wolf might even roll the dice and give the GOP a pension bill in return for his major priorities, and hope the courts bail him out by striking down the pension bill. So far Wolf hasn’t shown himself to be the poker player that would require.

2) The Bad – Under this scenario, Governor Wolf and legislative leaders can’t reach agreement and the Republicans pass their own budget – one that Wolf vetoes in part using his item veto. A veto override is not likely, leaving the possibility the state limps along with a partial budget as occurred in 2003 and 2009 or perhaps a stopgap budget is adopted, pending some final resolution. Think fall football season or Christmas trees because it could take that long.

3) The Ugly – The ugly offers two possibilities. Under one the Republicans cannot agree on a budget and the budget deadline is passed without sending Wolf a budget. Under the second, the governor vetoes the entire budget. Both of these two outcomes would create the ultimate nightmare. Under prevailing court decisions, state government will not completely shut down, with essential services still being performed. But the state’s already pressing problems will only become more pressing, options to solve them will shrink and chaos will eventually prevail. This is the doomsday scenario and one both sides will strive to avoid… (more)
