Will GOP debate be the Trump show?

POLITICO COLUMN: Somewhere in a parallel universe, top-ranking Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio are gearing up for an inaugural primary debate where they will make their pitches to voters, contest one another’s policy proposals, and calmly try to skirt attacks from tea party insurgents and nothing-to-lose outsiders.

Unfortunately for them, this is not that universe. This is Donald Trump’s universe.

Trump’s presence at center stage — his reward if he maintains his lead in the polls — is likely to transform the first Republican debate into a major media event, bringing big ratings to Fox News, the debate sponsor. By the same token, however, it will likely turn the traditionally policy-focused event into a pageant of personality, which is a potential nightmare for other candidates…. (more)


1 Comment

  1. Who writes this garbage? “Gringrich gave the most spirited performances in the 2012 debate cycle.” “Top-ranked candidates like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, et al.” Gingrich was a tongue tied mealy mouth cretin compared to Ron Paul. If Trump leads the polls how can the other candidates be “top ranked?”

    You know there will be a set up like they did to Ron Paul, most of the time you couldn’t even tell he was at the debates. The debates and primaries are run by the party elites, they will declare a “front runner” regardless of polls, caucuses, and even primary votes. You know they are going to anoint Jeb Bush and he will pick one of the light weight pin heads like Walker or Rubio to be his V.P.

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