Wife Of Joe Paterno Defends Late Penn State Football Coach

HUFFINGTON POST:  …“When the Freeh report was released last July, I was as shocked as anyone by the findings and by Mr. Freeh’s extraordinary attack on Joe’s character and integrity. I did not recognize the man Mr. Freeh described,” Sue Paterno wrote. “I am here to tell you as definitively and forcefully as I know how that Mr. Freeh could not have been more wrong in his assessment of Joe.”

The family directed its attorney, Washington lawyer Wick Sollers, to assemble experts to review Freeh’s findings and Joe Paterno’s actions, Sue Paterno wrote.

She did not offer details on findings in the letter, “except to say that they unreservedly and forcefully confirm my beliefs about Joe’s conduct…  (more)

EDITOR: We knew it too.  And we were among the first to unmask Tom Corbett as trying to divert attention from his misdeeds by making Paterno a scape goat, in  disputing the Freeh Report, and challenging the NCAA rulings and  authority in what is an administrative, not a competative sports matter.  Such hypocracy all around!!!

