Why the Clinton campaign isn’t sweating the Sanders surge

POLITICO: …The explanation for the Sanders surge, Democrats aligned with Clinton and some who are unaffiliated say, is that he has largely captured the share of voters who had previously expressed a preference for Warren, who’s not running. In that way, he’s consolidated the anti-Clinton crowd…

And because many Clinton allies inside and outside of Brooklyn dismiss Sanders’ chances to mount a long-term challenge due to his liberal politics and troubles connecting with large portions of the Democratic base — like minority voters — they say they’re relieved Warren’s supporters have swung to him, rather than another candidate…

“The fact that it’s Bernie is fantastic, because Bernie is perfectly wired for this role,” said another national Democratic operative close to the campaign.
“Everything about Bernie conveys the opportunity and limitations of his candidacy. It’s perfect for him, it’s perfect for the Clinton campaign, and it’s good for the party. I don’t think Democrats are wringing their hands saying, ‘what if Bernie wins?’”… (more)

EDITOR: Nevertheless, Sander is pulling the party and Clinton, a “centrist” , and the party to the left. We think this is a good thing for Clinton’s general election ampaign and for the country.</
