Why RealReporting / NewsLanc doesn’t cover Aurora tragedy

You know, it’s very sad that you can have someone write about an article of an attack in Russia, but you can’t be bothered to mention word one about a sociopath that wrought havoc in Aurora, CO that claimed at least twelve lives, and injured another fifty-nine, that included an infant.

EDITOR: It is not our practice to report on major media stories except when we are able to provide either new information or a different perspective.   Our mission is to bring to our readers matters that they are not likely to encounter on the front page of their newspaper or the lead stories of TV news programs.



  1. Thanks Newslanc for NOT retelling and retelling “covered” details of this tragedy.
    I am confident all know what occurred and hurt individually as well as collectively.

    While the story needs told at some point it plays to the sick murderers intention of fame and perhaps even becomes a sales tool for struggling irrelevant traditional media.

  2. To anonymous above- yes a retelling does not need to be done, but then NewsLanc holds a very hypocritical double standard by doing that EXACTLY, ad nauseum, over the Penn State/Sandusky scandal. If one tragedy is going to be covered over and over, why not the other at the same time?

    And editor, don’t give the frivolous excuse that your mission is to bring the reader matter that they are not likely to encounter and then post three or more articles on Penn State. You are just making yourself out to be more of a hypocritical blowhard than is per your usual.

    EDITOR: RealReport.org / NewsLanc.com shares Bill Keisling’s articles with state and national media. We reproduced it because of the time line’s special pertinence today.

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