Why aren’t America’s wars a bigger part of 2010 campaign?

PATRIOT-NEWS:  Each day the men and women of our armed services put their lives at risk to do our country’s bidding throughout the world, most particularly in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many have lost their lives or have been wounded.

The Department of Defense said Tuesday that 5,655 military personnel have died so far in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. In addition, 40,760 have been wounded in the two conflicts. Those figures do not count soldiers who have been scarred emotionally from the fighting…

Besides the terrible human cost, there are the economic tolls. They too are huge. The war-related spending in these two countries now stands at almost $1.1 trillion, the National Priorities Project says. That is enough money to run our current state budget for almost 40 years. Operation Enduring Freedom began in October 2001. The Russians were in Afghanistan for 10 years before deciding to leave…  (more)
