White House Discussed Scrapping Entire Obamacare Website

NEWSMAX: The abysmal rollout of the Obamacare individual mandate last month exposed a website so badly flawed that White House officials considered junking it altogether, according to a detailed account of the inner workings of the healthcare plan’s debacle.

While President Barack Obama touted publicly that “interest way exceeded expectations, and that’s the good news” during the first weekend of the rollout, White House officials were considering another question, The New York Times reports in a front page article Sunday — “Should we just take the website down altogether for a time so it can be fixed?”

The question was dismissed by Todd Park, the administration’s chief technology officer, because, he said, HealthCare.com had to be up and running for one simple reason — “To see where the problems are,” the Times reports… (more)

EDITOR: There is a disconnect between the headline and the information in the article. Nevertheless, the threshold question of any responsible executive would have been “Can the site be repaired or are we better off starting from scratch?”
