When the cash drawer is left open

How can the leadership of LGH sleep at night? Oh… that’s right. They have ‘theirs’ and don’t give a thought for anyone else. How sad.

But look at our political system. Why would we expect anything else?? We are fed the same arrogance and general disregard 24 hours a day via cable news and, quite frankly, have to regard our local LNP reporting with suspician as to whether we are getting an unbiased story.

Is there a good, worthy leadership anywhere? Or are they (good leaders) there and we are just to numb to it all to notice and/or care? I don’t think it is courage that is lacking. My vote is on general public apathy.

The Trustees know this and know they can do as they will. Why should they have responsibilty and integrity when the cash drawer is left open and nobody cares if they empty it. (Newslanc editor the obvious exception.)
